NYT Spelling Bee Answer & Solution for September 10th, 2023

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The New York Times Spelling Bee is a popular puzzle that tests your spelling skills. Every day, a new puzzle is released, and players have to spell all the words in the puzzle.

Today’s Pangram is ABANDONING

Here are the answers and solutions to the NYT Spelling Bee Official :

As Always Today, we’ll delve into a fascinating assortment of words commonly encountered in spelling bee competitions. we’ll explore their meanings and provide examples to help you understand them better. So, put on your thinking cap as we dive into the world of spelling bee answers!

Click Here to See the Spelling Bee Yesterday’s Answers


Baba is a term used to refer to an elderly or respected figure in some cultures, particularly in South Asia and the Middle East.
A band can refer to a group of musicians who play instruments together or a strip of material used to secure or hold something in place.
Bang can have multiple meanings. It can refer to a sudden loud noise, a forceful collision, or even an exclamation used to express enthusiasm or surprise.
To bind means to tie or fasten something securely. It can also refer to the action of bringing different elements together to create a unified whole.
Boba refers to a popular beverage that originated in Taiwan. It typically consists of tea, milk, and chewy tapioca pearls.
Bond refers to a connection or relationship between people or things. It can also refer to a financial instrument, such as a bond certificate, that represents a debt owed by the issuer to the investor.
A bong is a type of water pipe commonly used for smoking substances such as cannabis. It typically consists of a vertical tube filled with water and a bowl for holding the substance.
Boob is a colloquial term used to refer to a mistake, blunder, or foolish action. It can also be used informally to refer to a woman’s breast.
A boon is something beneficial or advantageous. It can refer to a blessing, favor, or gift that brings positive outcomes.
Noob is a slang term used to describe someone who is inexperienced, new, or lacking skill in a particular activity or field.


Adobo is a popular Filipino cooking method that involves marinating meat, usually chicken or pork, in a mixture of vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and spices before cooking it.
Bindi is a decorative dot or mark worn on the forehead by women from South Asia. It traditionally signifies a woman’s marital status or religious affiliation.
Bingo is a game of chance in which players mark off numbers on cards as they are called out. The objective is to complete a predetermined pattern and call out “bingo” to win.
Boing is an onomatopoeic word used to describe a springing or bouncing sound, often associated with something elastic or flexible.
Bongo refers to a type of drum, typically played with the hands. It is popular in Afro-Cuban and Latin American music.
Nabob is an archaic term used to describe a person of great wealth or importance. It originated from the Urdu word “nawab,” which means a ruler or governor.


Baaing is the sound that sheep make. It is their way of communicating with each other and expressing different emotions.
A baboon is a type of large monkey that is native to Africa and parts of Arabia. They are known for their distinctive appearance, including their long snouts and large canine teeth.
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are known for their sweet taste and soft texture. Bananas are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and they are also a good source of energy.
The baobab tree is a unique and iconic tree that is native to Africa. It is known for its large trunk and branches that spread out like roots. The baobab tree is often referred to as the “tree of life” because it provides food, water, and shelter to many animals and people.
Biding refers to the act of waiting or staying in one place patiently. It can also mean to remain in a particular state or condition.
A bobbin is a small cylinder or spool that is used to hold thread or yarn. It is commonly used in sewing machines and other textile-related activities.
Boding refers to a feeling or sense of something negative or ominous about to happen. It can also be used to describe a prediction or forewarning of future events.
A bonbon is a small, sweet candy or confection that is typically covered in chocolate. They are often enjoyed as a treat or indulgence.
Boning refers to the process of removing bones from meat or fish. It is a common technique used in cooking to make the meat easier to eat or to create boneless cuts.
The bonobo is a species of great ape that is closely related to chimpanzees. They are known for their peaceful and social nature, and they are often referred to as the “hippie apes.”
Booboo is a colloquial term that is often used to refer to a minor injury or mistake. It can also be used as a term of endearment or affection.
Booing is the act of expressing disapproval or displeasure by making a loud, jeering sound. It is often done to show disagreement or protest.
A gibbon is a small ape that is native to the forests of Southeast Asia. They are known for their long arms and ability to swing from tree to tree.
Gibing refers to the act of making taunting or mocking remarks. It is often done in a playful or teasing manner.


Abandon means to completely give up or desert something or someone. It can refer to physical abandonment, such as leaving a place or object, or emotional abandonment, such as ending a relationship or withdrawing support.
Abiding means to continue or remain steadfast in a belief, commitment, or behavior. It can also refer to enduring or lasting over time.
Badging refers to the process of issuing or displaying a badge or identification card. It is commonly used in workplaces, events, or organizations to identify individuals and grant them access or privileges.
Bagging refers to the act of putting something into a bag or container. It can also refer to the action of capturing or securing something, such as bagging a trophy or bagging groceries.
A bandana is a square or triangular piece of cloth that is often worn as a headscarf or around the neck for practical or fashion purposes.
Banding refers to the act of applying a decorative or identifying strip or band to something, such as packaging or books.
Banging is an informal term used to describe something that is excellent, impressive, or exciting.
Banning is the act of officially prohibiting or forbidding something, such as a particular activity, product, or behavior.
Bidding is the process of making offers or placing bids in an auction or competitive situation to acquire goods or services.
Binding refers to the act of fastening or securing something together using a cord, rope, or other materials.
Binging is the act of consuming a large amount of food, drinks, or media in a short period, often done excessively or compulsively.
Binning refers to the process of sorting or categorizing items into different bins or containers based on specific criteria.
Bobbing refers to a gentle up and down or back and forth movement, often used to describe the motion of objects or people.
Bogging refers to getting stuck or sinking in a bog or swampy area, often used metaphorically to describe a situation where progress becomes difficult or slow.
Bonding refers to the process of forming a close emotional connection or attachment with someone, often through shared experiences or mutual trust.
Dabbing is a dance move or gesture where a person briefly touches their nose or forehead with one hand while the other hand is extended outward or raised.
Gabbing is an informal term used to describe engaging in lively or excessive talking or conversation.
Nabbing is an informal term used to describe capturing or apprehending someone, often used in the context of catching a criminal or thief.


A bandanna is a variant spelling of bandana, referring to a square or triangular piece of cloth worn as a headscarf or around the neck.


Bandaging refers to the act of applying a bandage or dressing to a wound or injury to protect or support it during the healing process.


Abandoning refers to deserting, leaving behind, or giving up on someone or something, often implying a sense of neglect or disregard.
Nonbinding refers to something that is not legally or morally obligating, often used in the context of agreements, resolutions, or decisions that are not enforceable.

Click Here to See the Spelling Bee Yes

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