NYT Spelling Bee Answer & Solution for August 30th, 2023

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The New York Times Spelling Bee is a popular puzzle that tests your spelling skills. Every day, a new puzzle is released, and players have to spell all the words in the puzzle.

Today’s Pangram is DAINTILY

Here are the answers and solutions to the NYT Spelling Bee Official :

As Always Today, we’ll delve into a fascinating assortment of words commonly encountered in spelling bee competitions. we’ll explore their meanings and provide examples to help you understand them better. So, put on your thinking cap as we dive into the world of spelling bee answers!

Click Here to See the Spelling Bee Yesterday’s Answers


ALIT is a word that means to perch or land lightly on something. It is often used to describe birds or insects landing on a surface.
An ally refers to a person or group that is united with another for a common purpose. Allies support and cooperate with each other to achieve shared goals.
The word “anal” is short for “analytical” and is often used to describe someone who pays great attention to detail or is excessively concerned with precision and order.
“Anti” is a prefix used to indicate opposition or against something. It is commonly used to describe a person or group who is opposed to a particular idea, belief, or practice.
Data refers to information or facts that are collected, organized, and analyzed. It can be in the form of numbers, text, images, or any other type of input that can be processed and used to gain insights or make decisions.
A dial is a circular disc or scale with marked divisions used to indicate or measure things such as time, temperature, or settings. It is commonly found on devices like watches, thermostats, or radios.
A dyad refers to a pair or couple of individuals or things that are considered as a unit. It can be used in various contexts, such as in psychology to describe a relationship between two people or in music to describe a musical composition for two voices or instruments.
Lady is a term used to refer to a woman of high social position or as a polite way to address or refer to a woman in general. It is often associated with elegance, grace, and femininity.
Laid is the past tense of the verb “lay,” which means to put something down or place it in a particular position. It can also refer to a bird depositing an egg or to someone preparing a table for a meal.
Lain is the past participle of the verb “lie,” which means to recline or be in a horizontal position. It is used to indicate that someone or something has been in a resting or reclining state.
Land refers to the solid ground or surface of the Earth. It can also be used more broadly to describe a particular area of land, such as a country or territory.
Naan is a type of bread that is traditionally baked in a tandoor oven. It is popular in Indian and Pakistani cuisine and is typically made from wheat flour, yeast, yogurt, and oil.
Nada is a Spanish and Portuguese word that means “nothing” or “zero.” It is often used colloquially to indicate a lack of something or to express a negative response.
Nail refers to the hard, horny covering on the upper surface of the tips of fingers and toes. It can also refer to a thin, pointed metal fastener used to join materials together.
Nana is an informal term for grandmother, commonly used by children to address or refer to their maternal or paternal grandmother.
The tail refers to the hindmost part of an animal’s body, extending beyond the trunk or main part. It can also be used metaphorically to indicate the trailing or final part of something.
Tali is the plural form of talus, which refers to the bone in the ankle that articulates with the tibia and fibula. It is an important structure for walking and balance.
Tall refers to a person or thing of great height, significantly greater than average. It can also be used more figuratively to describe something that is impressive, significant, or grand in nature.


Allay is a verb that means to diminish or alleviate something, such as fears, concerns, or suspicions. It implies reducing the intensity or severity of a particular emotion or situation.
Annal refers to a written account or record of events that are arranged chronologically year by year. It can also be used to describe a publication or book that contains such records or historical information.
Atilt means being in a tilted or inclined position. It refers to something that is not straight or level.
Daddy is a term used to refer to one’s father. It is an endearing and informal way to address a father figure.
Daily means occurring or done on a daily basis. It refers to something that happens every day or is part of one’s routine.
Dally means to waste time or to procrastinate. It refers to engaging in unproductive or leisurely activities instead of focusing on more important tasks.
Dandy refers to a person who is fashion-conscious and well-groomed. It is used to describe someone who pays great attention to their appearance and clothing.
Inlay refers to the process of embedding one material into another. It is commonly used in woodworking and jewelry-making to create decorative patterns or designs.
Laity refers to the people who are not part of the clergy or religious professionals. It represents the non-ordained members of a religious community or organization.
Lanai is a term used to describe a type of open-air porch or veranda. It is commonly found in tropical regions and is used as a gathering or relaxation area.
Naiad refers to a mythical water nymph or spirit in Greek mythology. It represents a female deity or supernatural being associated with water bodies like rivers, springs, or fountains.
A nanny refers to a person who provides childcare services. It is commonly used to describe a professional caregiver who takes care of children in their own home or in a daycare setting.
Natal means relating to birth or the time of birth. It is often used to describe the place where someone was born or the period immediately before and after birth.
Natty means stylish, smart, or fashionable. It is used to describe someone who dresses elegantly or has a polished appearance.
Taint means to contaminate or pollute. It refers to something that has been spoiled or corrupted.
Tally refers to a count or record of scores, points, or items. It is commonly used to keep track of numbers or to calculate totals.
Tatty means worn-out, shabby, or in poor condition. It refers to something that is old and tattered.
Tidal refers to the rise and fall of the sea level caused by the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun. It is associated with the ebb and flow of the ocean’s tides.
Titan refers to a person or thing of great strength, size, or influence. It is often used to describe someone who is exceptionally powerful or influential.


Anally means in a meticulous or overly precise manner. It refers to someone who pays excessive attention to details or follows rules strictly.
Attain means to achieve or reach a goal or objective. It is used to describe the act of acquiring or obtaining something through effort or skill.
Dainty means delicately small and pretty. It is often used to describe something or someone that is elegant, refined, or delicate in appearance or behavior.
Daylit refers to something that is illuminated by daylight or natural light.
Inlaid means to set pieces of one material into a surface of another material to create a decorative pattern or design.
Inland refers to an area that is located away from the coast or the sea, typically referring to the interior parts of a country or region.
Litany is a series of prayers or petitions recited in a repetitive and predetermined manner, often used in religious ceremonies.
Natant means swimming or floating in water, typically referring to aquatic organisms or objects.
Tallit is a Jewish prayer shawl, traditionally worn by men during prayer or religious ceremonies.
Tannin is a type of organic substance found in plants, particularly in the bark and leaves, known for its astringent properties and often used in the tanning of leather.


Dandily means in a manner that is stylish, elegant, or with a certain flair or finesse.
Daylily is a type of flowering plant that typically blooms for only one day, hence the name “daylily.”
Inanity refers to the state of being empty, meaningless, or lacking in substance or importance.
Initial can refer to the first letter of a person’s name or a word, or it can also mean the beginning or starting point of something.
Lantana is a genus of flowering plants known for their colorful and aromatic flowers, commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.
Nattily means in a smart, stylish, or fashionable manner, often referring to one’s appearance or dress.
Tidally means in a manner associated with tides, typically referring to the rise and fall of sea levels caused by gravitational forces.


DAINTILY: (Pangram)
Daintily means in a delicate, graceful, or refined manner, often referring to one’s actions, movements, or behavior.
Landlady is a term used to describe a female landlord or landlady, someone who owns and rents out property to tenants.
Natality refers to the birth rate or the number of births that occur within a given population or geographical area.


Initially means at first or at the beginning of a process, event, or situation.


Dillydally means to waste time, to be indecisive, or to procrastinate, often by delaying or lingering over a task or decision.

Click Here to See the Spelling Bee Yesterday’s Answers

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