NYT Spelling Bee Answer & Solution for August 29th, 2023

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The New York Times Spelling Bee is a popular puzzle that tests your spelling skills. Every day, a new puzzle is released, and players have to spell all the words in the puzzle.

Today’s Pangram is FIXATED(Perfect)

Here are the answers and solutions to the NYT Spelling Bee Official :

As Always Today, we’ll delve into a fascinating assortment of words commonly encountered in spelling bee competitions. we’ll explore their meanings and provide examples to help you understand them better. So, put on your thinking cap as we dive into the world of spelling bee answers!

Click Here to See the Spelling Bee Yesterday’s Answers


The word “daft” refers to someone or something that is silly, foolish, or lacking in common sense.
“Data” is a term used to describe facts, statistics, or information that can be collected, stored, and analyzed.
A “date” can refer to either a specific day on the calendar or a social engagement between two people, often involving romantic interest.
“Deft” describes someone who is skillful, quick, and precise in their actions or movements.
A “diet” refers to the types of food and drink consumed by an individual or a group, often with the aim of improving health or achieving specific goals.
To “edit” means to make changes, revisions, or modifications to a piece of content, such as a document, manuscript, or video.
An “exit” is a way out or a point of departure, often used to describe a physical location or a means of leaving a situation or conversation.
“Fate” refers to the predetermined course of events or the outcome that is believed to be controlled by an external power or force.
A “feat” is an impressive or remarkable achievement, often requiring skill, strength, or bravery.
“Feet” are the body parts at the end of the legs that are used for standing, walking, and running.
“Feta” is a type of cheese that originated in Greece, known for its crumbly texture and tangy flavor.
A “fete” is a celebration, festival, or party, often involving food, music, and entertainment.
A “fiat” is an authoritative or arbitrary order, decree, or decision, typically coming from a person in a position of power.
“Taxa” is the plural form of the word “taxon,” which refers to a category or group in a scientific classification system, such as species or genus.
A “taxi” is a vehicle for hire that provides transportation services to passengers in exchange for a fare.
A “teat” is the nipple-like projection on the udder or mammary gland of a female mammal, used for nursing offspring.
“To tee” is a verb used in golf, referring to placing a ball on a small peg called a tee before hitting it with a club.
“Teff” is a type of grain or cereal that originates from Ethiopia, often used to make flour or porridge.
“Text” can refer to written or printed words, typically in the form of a document, book, or message.
A “tide” is the rise and fall of the sea level caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.
To be “tied” means to be bound or secured with a knot or fastening, often used to describe the state of objects or clothing.
A “tiff” is a minor or petty argument or dispute, often characterized by a short-lived burst of anger or annoyance.


“Dated” can refer to something that is no longer current or relevant, often associated with a specific time period or style.
To “defat” means to remove or reduce the fat content of something, such as food or a liquid.
Fated refers to something that is predetermined or destined to happen. It implies that events or outcomes are beyond one’s control.
To be feted means to be honored or celebrated. It suggests that someone is being recognized or praised for their achievements or qualities.
Fetid describes something that has a strong, unpleasant odor or smell. It indicates that the object or environment emits a foul or offensive scent.
Taxed refers to being burdened or strained by something, usually in a figurative sense. It can mean being mentally or physically exhausted or feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities or demands.
Tided means to be carried or moved by the tide. It suggests that someone or something is being swept along or influenced by a natural force or trend.


Ataxia is a medical term used to describe a lack of muscle coordination or control. It is often associated with neurological disorders or injuries.
Defeat refers to being beaten or overcome in a competition, battle, or struggle. It implies that one has failed to achieve their desired outcome or goal.
Dieted indicates that someone has followed a specific eating plan or regimen in order to lose weight or improve their health. It suggests a deliberate effort to control or modify one’s food intake.
Edited refers to the process of revising or modifying written or recorded content. It implies that changes have been made to improve clarity, accuracy, or overall quality.
Effete describes something or someone who is weak, exhausted, or lacking in vitality. It suggests a state of decline or decadence.
Exited means to have left or departed from a place or situation. It implies that someone has moved on or withdrawn from a particular setting or context.
Fatted refers to an animal that has been intentionally fattened up for consumption or other purposes. It suggests that the animal has been fed to increase its weight or improve its quality.
Fitted describes something that has been specifically tailored or adjusted to fit perfectly. It suggests that the object or garment has been customized for a particular purpose or individual.
To fixate means to become obsessed or preoccupied with something or someone. It implies that one’s attention or focus is intensely directed towards a specific object or idea.
Ideate means to generate or develop ideas, often in a creative or imaginative context. It suggests the process of brainstorming or conceptualizing new concepts or solutions.
Tatted refers to having tattoos or being adorned with tattooed designs. It implies that someone has permanently marked their skin with ink.
Taxied describes the movement of an aircraft on the ground, usually before takeoff or after landing. It suggests that the plane is being maneuvered without the use of its engines.
Texted refers to the act of sending or receiving text messages electronically. It implies the use of mobile devices or other digital platforms for communication.
Tidied means to have cleaned or organized a space or object. It suggests that things have been put in order or made neat and tidy.


FIXATED: (Perfect)
Fixated describes someone who is excessively focused or obsessed with a particular person, idea, or concept. It suggests a persistent preoccupation that is difficult to let go of.
Ideated refers to the process of generating or developing ideas, often in a creative or brainstorming context. It implies the act of conceptualizing or imagining new possibilities.
Taffeta is a type of fabric that is smooth, crisp, and lustrous. It is often used for formal or elegant garments and has a distinctive rustling sound when touched.


Defatted means to have removed the fat or oil from something, usually a food product. It suggests that the item has been processed to reduce its fat content.
Defeated refers to being overcome or beaten in a competition, battle, or struggle. It implies that one has been unable to achieve their desired outcome or goal.

Click Here to See the Spelling Bee Yesterday’s Answers

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