NYT Spelling Bee Answer & Solution for August 25th, 2023

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The New York Times Spelling Bee is a popular puzzle that tests your spelling skills. Every day, a new puzzle is released, and players have to spell all the words in the puzzle.


Here are the answers and solutions to the NYT Spelling Bee Official :

As Always Today, we’ll delve into a fascinating assortment of words commonly encountered in spelling bee competitions. we’ll explore their meanings and provide examples to help you understand them better. So, put on your thinking cap as we dive into the world of spelling bee answers!

Click Here to See the Spelling Bee Yesterday’s Answers


“Been” is the past participle of the verb “be.” It is used to indicate that someone or something has existed or lived in the past.
A beet is a root vegetable with a dark red or purplish color. It is commonly used in cooking and can be eaten raw, roasted, or pickled.
A bell is a hollow metal object that produces a ringing sound when struck or when a clapper inside it hits the sides. Bells are often used to announce the time or to call people to gather.
A belt is a flexible strap made of leather, fabric, or other materials that is worn around the waist to hold up clothing or to secure an object. It can also refer to a strip of land or a specific area with particular characteristics.
Bent refers to the past tense and past participle of the verb “bend.” It describes something that has been curved, flexed, or twisted out of its original shape.
Bile is a bitter, yellowish-green fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It aids in the digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine.
A bill can refer to a statement of money owed for goods or services, or it can also mean a legal or official document proposing a new law to be considered by a legislative body. Additionally, a bill can be a beak-like mouthpart of certain birds, such as ducks.
To bite means to use the teeth to cut into or grip something. It can refer to an action done by animals and humans, typically for feeding or self-defense. It can also describe the act of taking a small amount of food into the mouth.
Blin is a Russian pancake that is similar to a crepe. It is usually made with yeast, giving it a light and fluffy texture. Blinis are traditionally served with various toppings such as caviar, sour cream, or jam.
To gibe means to make mocking or taunting remarks toward someone. It involves using sarcastic or derisive language to ridicule or insult another person.
Glib refers to someone who speaks or behaves in a smooth, fluent, and superficially persuasive manner. It often implies that the person is not being sincere or thoughtful in their words or actions.


To beget means to bring about or generate offspring or to cause something to happen or exist. It is often used in the context of procreation or the creation of something new.
Begin means to start or commence something. It marks the point at which an action, process, or event initiates or comes into existence.
Beige is a pale, light brown color that is often described as being neutral or muted. It is commonly used to describe shades that are similar to the color of natural wool or unbleached linen.
Being refers to the state or quality of existing or living. It encompasses the essence of a person, animal, or thing, emphasizing their existence or presence in the world.
To belie means to show something to be false or to give a false impression of something. It suggests that appearances are deceiving and that there is a contradiction between what is seen or believed and the truth.
Belle is a French word that means “beautiful” or “attractive” when referring to a woman. It can also be used to describe a popular and admired woman, often with grace, charm, and intelligence.
Betel refers to a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. Its leaves are often chewed with other ingredients, such as areca nut and slaked lime, to produce a mild stimulant effect. Chewing betel is a common practice in certain cultures and is often associated with social and ceremonial occasions.
The Bible is a sacred text in Christianity, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament. It is considered by Christians to be a collection of religious writings inspired by God and serves as a guide for faith and practice.
Bilge refers to the lowest part of a ship’s hull where water collects. It is important to regularly pump out the bilge to keep the ship afloat.
Binge is an excessive indulgence in an activity, typically related to excessive eating or drinking. It often refers to consuming a large amount of food or alcohol in a short period of time.
Bling is a slang term that refers to flashy, ostentatious jewelry or accessories that are often associated with wealth or luxury. It is commonly used to describe items that are adorned with diamonds, gemstones, or other precious materials.
Blini are a type of small, thin pancakes that are commonly eaten in Russia and other Eastern European countries. They are typically served with sour cream, caviar, or other toppings.
Libel is a legal term that refers to a false statement or representation that is expressed in writing, print, or pictures and has the potential to damage a person’s reputation. It is a form of defamation that can lead to legal consequences.


Beetle is a common name for insects that belong to the order Coleoptera. They are characterized by their hard outer wing cases, called elytra, that cover and protect their delicate wings.
Benign is a term used to describe something that is harmless, gentle, or not causing any harm or danger. It is often used in a medical context to describe non-cancerous tumors or conditions.
Biggie is a slang term that refers to something that is significant, important, or noteworthy. It is commonly used to describe a person, event, or thing that stands out or has a strong impact.
Billet can refer to a few different things. It can be used to describe a place where soldiers are lodged or quartered, such as a military barracks. It can also refer to a small, rectangular piece of metal or wood used for various purposes, such as fastening or supporting.
Biting refers to the action of using one’s teeth to grip or cut something. It can also describe a sharp or pungent sensation, such as a biting cold or a biting remark.
Bitten is the past participle of the verb “to bite.” It is used to describe the action of being bitten, typically by an animal or insect.
Ebbing refers to the gradual decline or decrease of something, such as the receding of the tide. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a decline in strength, intensity, or popularity.
Gibing is a nautical term that refers to the act of shifting a sail suddenly and forcefully in response to a change in wind direction. It is a maneuver used to adjust the position of the sail and maintain control of the vessel.
Giblet is a term used to describe the edible internal organs of poultry, such as the liver, heart, and gizzard. These organs are often used as ingredients in soups, gravies, and other dishes.
Nibble refers to the act of taking small bites or eating in small, cautious amounts. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a gradual or cautious approach to something.


Beeline is a term used to describe the most direct and straight path or route between two points. It is often used figuratively to describe someone’s direct and focused approach to a task or goal.
Begging refers to the act of asking for something, typically in a desperate or pleading manner. It can refer to asking for money, food, or other forms of assistance.
Beignet is a type of French pastry made from deep-fried dough that is commonly associated with New Orleans cuisine. They are typically served hot and dusted with powdered sugar.
Belling can refer to the act of making a deep, resonant sound similar to that of a bell. It can also refer to the expansion or swelling of an object, such as a pipe or an animal’s throat.
BELTING: (Perfect)
Belting refers to the act of hitting or striking someone or something with force. It can also refer to singing loudly and forcefully, typically in a style known as belting or power singing.
Betting refers to the act of placing a wager or bet on the outcome of a particular event or game. It involves predicting the result and risking money or something of value in the hope of winning.
Billing is the process of generating and sending invoices to customers for goods or services provided. It involves recording the details of the products or services, calculating the charges, and issuing the invoice for payment.
Binging refers to the act of consuming excessive amounts of food, drinks, or other substances in a short period of time. It is often associated with overeating or indulging in an activity without moderation.
Binning is a process of categorizing or grouping items into separate bins or containers based on specific criteria. It is commonly used in data analysis or organizing objects to make them easier to manage or retrieve.
Legible means that something is clear and easy to read or understand. It refers to the quality of being able to decipher or comprehend written or printed text without difficulty.
A libelee is a person or entity who is the subject of a libel lawsuit. In legal terms, libel refers to a false statement made in writing that damages a person’s reputation.


Belittle means to diminish or make someone or something seem unimportant or of little value. It involves undermining or downplaying someone’s abilities, achievements, or opinions.
Beltline refers to a path or route that encircles or runs along the middle of a city or urban area. It is often used for transportation or recreational purposes, such as walking, biking, or commuting.
Bingeing is the act of engaging in excessive or compulsive behavior, often referring to overindulgence in food, alcohol, or other activities. It implies a lack of control or moderation.
Eligible means being qualified or meeting the necessary requirements for a particular purpose or benefit. It signifies being suitable or entitled to participate in or receive something.
Libeling is the act of publishing or disseminating a false statement about someone with the intent to damage their reputation. It involves making defamatory remarks about a person in written form.
Nibbling refers to the act of eating small amounts of food or snacks, often in a leisurely or casual manner. It involves taking small bites or tasting small portions of food.


Begetting means to procreate or produce offspring. It signifies the act of giving birth to or fathering children.
Beginning refers to the start or commencement of something. It marks the initial phase or point in time when a particular activity, process, or event begins.
BILLETING: (Pangram)
Billeting is the practice of providing lodging or accommodation, typically for military personnel or travelers. It involves assigning or allocating a place to stay temporarily.
Illegible means difficult or impossible to read or decipher. It refers to written or printed text that is unclear, messy, or distorted to the point of being unreadable.


Belittling is the act of making someone or something seem unimportant, inferior, or insignificant. It involves demeaning or disparaging someone’s worth, abilities, or achievements.
Ineligible means not qualified or not meeting the necessary requirements for a particular purpose or benefit. It indicates being unsuitable or unentitled to participate in or receive something.
Negligible means so small or insignificant that it can be disregarded or considered unimportant. It refers to something that has little or no impact or significance.


Intelligible means capable of being understood or comprehended. It signifies clarity and the ability to convey information or ideas in a clear and understandable manner.

Click Here to See the Spelling Bee Yesterday’s Answers

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