NYT Spelling Bee Answer & Solution for August 06th, 2023

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The New York Times Spelling Bee is a popular puzzle that tests your spelling skills. Every day, a new puzzle is released, and players have to spell all the words in the puzzle.

Today’s Pangram is HANDLING” & “HIGHLAND

Here are the answers and solutions to the NYT Spelling Bee Official :

As Always also Today, we’ll delve into a fascinating assortment of words commonly encountered in spelling bee competitions. we’ll explore their meanings and provide examples to help you understand them better. So, put on your thinking cap as we dive into the world of spelling bee answers!


Alga refers to a simple, non-flowering aquatic plant that lacks true stems, roots, and leaves. These organisms play a significant role in aquatic ecosystems and can be found in both freshwater and marine environments.
Anal is an adjective that pertains to or relates to the anus, which is the opening at the end of the digestive tract.
Dial commonly refers to the circular face of a clock or a device with numbered or marked positions used for setting or adjusting something, such as a phone or a radio.
Dill is an aromatic herb that is commonly used in cooking and is known for its feathery leaves and distinctive flavor. It is often used to enhance the taste of pickles, salads, and various dishes.
Gala typically refers to a festive celebration, particularly a formal or social occasion characterized by special entertainment, and performances, and often attended by prominent individuals.
Gall can have multiple meanings, but it often refers to a small, abnormal growth or swelling on plants caused by insects, bacteria, or other organisms. It can also be used to describe a feeling of bitterness or annoyance.
Gild means to cover or coat something with a thin layer of gold or a similar substance to give it a more luxurious or decorative appearance.
Gill is a respiratory organ found in many aquatic organisms, including fish, that allows them to extract oxygen from the water. Gills are typically located on the sides of the head and are specialized for efficient gas exchange.
Glad is an adjective that describes being pleased, delighted, or satisfied. It can also be used as a verb to express happiness or relief.
Glia refers to a type of supportive cell found in the nervous system. These cells provide structural support and insulation to neurons, and they play a crucial role in various brain functions.
Hail is a form of precipitation that consists of solid ice pellets that fall from thunderstorms. Hailstones can vary in size from small pea-sized pellets to large, damaging chunks of ice.
Hall typically refers to a large, open area or a passageway within a building. It is often used as a gathering place or a venue for events such as concerts, conferences, or ceremonies.
Hill refers to a raised area of land that is higher than its surroundings but not as tall as a mountain. Hills can vary in size and shape and are often used for recreational activities such as hiking or skiing.
Laid is the past tense of the verb “lay,” which means to put something down or arrange it in a particular position. It can also refer to a bird depositing an egg.
Lain is the past participle of the verb “lie,” which means to recline or be situated in a horizontal position. It indicates that someone or something has been in a resting or prone position.
Land commonly refers to the solid ground or surface of the Earth that is not covered by water. It encompasses various types of terrain, such as deserts, forests, mountains, and plains.
The nail can have multiple meanings, but it often refers to a thin, pointed metal pin with a flat head used for fastening objects together. It can also refer to the hard covering on the tips of fingers and toes.


Algal is an adjective that describes something related to or derived from algae. It can be used to describe the characteristics, properties, or substances associated with these simple aquatic plants.
Align means to arrange or adjust something in a straight line or in proper coordination with something else. It can also refer to bringing different elements or interests into harmony or agreement.
Annal refers to a historical record or chronicle that is usually arranged in yearly entries. It provides a chronological account of events or developments.
A gland is an organ in the body that produces and releases substances such as hormones, enzymes, or sweat. Glands play a crucial role in maintaining various bodily functions.
Halal is an Arabic term that refers to what is permissible or lawful in Islam. It is often used to describe food and drinks that are prepared according to Islamic dietary laws.
Lanai is a term used in Hawaiian culture to describe a covered outdoor space or porch that is typically used for relaxation or entertainment. It usually features comfortable seating and offers a connection to nature.


Ailing is an adjective that describes someone or something that is unwell or experiencing poor health. It can also refer to a situation or organization that is struggling or in decline.
Dahlia is a flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is known for its vibrant and showy flowers, which come in various colors and sizes. Dahlias are popular in gardens and floral arrangements.
Idling refers to the act of running an engine or motor at a low speed or without engaging it in any productive activity. It can lead to unnecessary fuel consumption and environmental pollution.
Inlaid refers to a decorative technique where a material, such as wood or metal, is set into the surface of another material to create a design or pattern. This technique is commonly used in furniture, flooring, and artwork.
Inland refers to an area or region that is located away from the coast or any major bodies of water. It is typically characterized by different landscapes, such as forests, plains, or mountains.
Lading is a term used in the shipping and transportation industry to refer to the act of loading goods onto a ship, airplane, or vehicle for transportation. It involves the careful handling and securing of cargo.
Lining refers to a layer of material that is used to cover the inner surface of something, such as a garment, bag, or container. It adds durability, structure, and a finished appearance to the item.


Addling is a verb that describes the act of confusing or muddling something, often with the intention of making it less clear or effective. It can also refer to the process of treating bird eggs to prevent them from hatching.
Angling refers to the sport or recreational activity of fishing with a rod, reel, and bait. It involves casting the line into the water and trying to catch fish by hooking them.
Dialing refers to the act of entering or selecting a phone number using a dial or keypad to make a telephone call. It is a fundamental step in initiating a conversation or connecting with someone.
Galling is an adjective that describes something that is irritating, annoying, or causing frustration. It can refer to a situation, action, or behavior that provokes strong negative emotions.
Ganglia is the plural form of ganglion, which refers to a mass or cluster of nerve cells located outside the central nervous system. Ganglia play a role in coordinating and controlling various bodily functions.
Gilding is a decorative technique where a thin layer of gold or gold-like material is applied to the surface of an object to give it a luxurious or ornamental appearance. It is often used in artwork, furniture, and architecture.
Gilling is a term used in cooking to describe the act of removing the gills, which are the feathery structures inside the body cavity of a fish. Gilling is typically done to improve the taste and presentation of the fish.
Gliding refers to the act of moving smoothly and effortlessly through the air, often without the use of an engine. It is a popular recreational activity and competitive sport, usually done in specially designed glider aircraft.
Hailing refers to the act of greeting or saluting someone. It is a way of showing respect or admiration towards another person.
Hilling is a gardening technique where soil is piled around the base of a plant, creating a small mound. This technique helps to protect the plant’s root system, retain moisture, and control weed growth.
Ladling is the act of serving or transferring a liquid, typically soup or stew, using a ladle. It involves dipping the ladle into the container and pouring the desired amount of liquid into a bowl or plate.
Lagging refers to falling behind or slowing down compared to others. It can be used to describe a delay in progress, performance, or response.
Landing refers to the act of arriving or touching down on the ground or a surface. It can be used in various contexts, such as aircraft landing, landing a job, or landing a trick in sports.
Nailing can have multiple meanings depending on the context. It can refer to the act of hammering a nail into a surface to secure or attach something. It can also mean achieving success or accurately completing a task or goal.


Aligning refers to the act of arranging or positioning things in a straight line or in a coordinated manner. It can be used in various fields, such as aligning text in a document, aligning objects in design, or aligning strategies in business.
Dangling refers to hanging loosely or swinging freely. It can be used to describe something that is not firmly attached or suspended in the air.
Diddling can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to fidgeting or playing with something in a nervous or absent-minded manner. It can also mean cheating or swindling someone.
Galangal is a root spice commonly used in Asian cuisine. It has a pungent flavor and is often used in curry pastes, soups, and stir-fries.
Gangland refers to the world or activities associated with organized crime or criminal gangs. It typically involves illegal activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, and violence.
Gangling refers to being tall, thin, and awkward in appearance or movement. It is often used to describe someone who is lanky or has long limbs.
Giggling refers to laughing in a light, high-pitched manner. It is often associated with amusement, happiness, or a sense of humor.
Haggling refers to the act of negotiating or bargaining over a price or terms of a transaction. It typically involves back-and-forth discussions to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
HANDLING: (Pangram)
Handling refers to the act of managing, taking care of, or dealing with something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, such as handling a task, handling a difficult situation, or handling a fragile object.
A hangnail refers to a small piece of torn or detached skin at the side or base of a fingernail. It can be painful and often requires careful removal to prevent further irritation or infection.
HIGHLAND: (Pangram)
Highland refers to an area of elevated land, typically with mountains or hills. It is often associated with scenic landscapes, cooler climates, and unique flora and fauna.
Inhaling refers to the act of breathing in or drawing air or another substance into the lungs. It is a vital process for oxygenating the body and can also involve inhaling various scents or aromas.
Niggling refers to a persistent or nagging feeling or thought. It can also describe a minor or trivial issue that causes annoyance or discomfort.

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