NYT Spelling Bee Answer & Solution for July 18th, 2023

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The New York Times Spelling Bee is a popular puzzle that tests your spelling skills. Every day, a new puzzle is released, and players have to spell all the words in the puzzle.

Today’s Pangram is EXTINCTION

Here are the answers and solutions to the NYT Spelling Bee Official :

As Always also Today, we’ll delve into a fascinating assortment of words commonly encountered in spelling bee competitions. we’ll explore their meanings and provide examples to help you understand them better. So, put on your thinking cap as we dive into the world of spelling bee answers!


Cite, a verb derived from the Latin word “citare,” means to quote or refer to a source of information. By citing relevant sources, we give credit to the original authors and validate our claims.
Coin, both a noun and a verb, typically refers to a small, flat, round piece of metal used as a medium of exchange. As a verb, it means to invent or create a new word or phrase.
Exit, a noun or a verb, signifies a way out or the act of leaving. It is commonly used to indicate the designated point of departure or departure itself.
Icon, originally derived from the Greek word “eikōn,” represents a symbol or an image that holds deep cultural or religious significance. It often represents a person, object, or concept.
Into, a preposition, denotes movement or direction towards the inside or interior of something. It is used to express the act of entering or becoming involved in a particular situation.
Nice, an adjective, is often associated with a pleasant or agreeable quality. It can describe a person, an action, or a thing that is admirable, kind, or enjoyable.
Nine, a cardinal number, represents the quantity following eight and preceding ten. It is commonly associated with wholeness, completion, and a sense of fulfillment.
Nite, an informal alternative spelling of “night,” is often used in casual settings such as text messages, social media, or informal writing. It represents the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
Tine, a noun, refers to a prong or a pointed projection on a fork or similar implement. It is essential for grasping or holding food while eating.
Tint, both a noun and a verb, refers to a slight shade or variation in color. It is often used to describe a small amount of color added to something to alter its appearance or give it a unique hue.


Cocci, the plural form of the noun “coccus,” is a biological term used to describe bacteria that have a spherical or oval shape. These microorganisms can be found in various environments and can have different effects on living organisms.
Conic, an adjective, relates to or resembles a cone, a three-dimensional geometric shape with a circular base and a pointed apex. This term is commonly used in mathematics, architecture, and engineering.
Innie, an informal term, is often used to describe a belly button that appears indented or concave rather than protruding outward. It is a lighthearted way to differentiate between different belly button shapes.
Ionic, an adjective, refers to something related to or characteristic of ions. In chemistry, it describes a type of chemical bonding or a specific electronic configuration.
Niece, a noun, represents the daughter of one’s brother or sister. It is a familial relationship that often involves a special bond between an aunt or uncle and a niece.
Onion, a noun, is a bulbous vegetable with layers of papery skin and a strong odor. It is commonly used in cooking to add flavor to various dishes and is known for its distinct taste and pungency.
“Tinct” refers to a trace or a small amount of something. It implies a subtle influence or an essence that permeates an object or an idea, leaving a lasting impression.
A “tonic” is a substance or a remedy that invigorates, revitalizes, or restores a person’s physical or mental well-being. It can also refer to a musical note that establishes a harmonic foundation.
The term “toxic” describes something that is harmful, poisonous, or detrimental to living organisms. It signifies the presence of substances or behaviors that should be approached with caution and avoided.
Similar to “toxic,” a “toxin” is a poisonous substance produced by living organisms. It can have detrimental effects on the body, leading to illness or even death if not properly treated.


“Cootie” is a colloquial term often used by children to refer to imaginary or unpleasant creatures or germs. It represents the fear or aversion towards something undesirable or unknown.
“Entice” means to attract or persuade someone through appealing or tempting means. It involves using allure, charm, or the promise of something desirable to captivate the interest or attention of others.
“Excite” denotes a feeling of enthusiasm, eagerness, or exhilaration. It can be sparked by a variety of stimuli, such as engaging activities, thrilling experiences, or even the anticipation of something extraordinary.
“Exotic” describes something that is foreign, rare, or originating from a distant or unfamiliar place. It is often associated with a sense of intrigue, uniqueness, or a departure from the ordinary.
An “iconic” symbol or person is widely recognized and revered as a representation of a specific time, culture, or movement. It encapsulates a sense of significance, influence, and enduring popularity.
“To incite” means to provoke, stimulate, or encourage a specific action or feeling. It involves instigating or inspiring others to engage in particular behaviors, thoughts, or emotions.
“Intent” refers to a person’s purpose, aim, or objective behind their actions or words. It represents the underlying motivation or goal that drives their behavior or decisions.
“To intone” is to speak or chant in a particular manner, often with a melodious or rhythmic quality. It is used to convey a specific tone, emotion, or emphasis in spoken words.
“Notice” means to become aware of something or to pay attention to a particular detail. It involves recognizing, acknowledging, or perceiving information through observation or contemplation.
A “notion” refers to an idea, belief, or concept held by someone. It can also represent a whimsical or fanciful inclination, often related to personal preferences or opinions.
In Canadian slang, a “toonie” is a colloquial term for a two-dollar coin. It is a playful and affectionate nickname for this particular denomination.


“Conceit” can refer to an exaggerated sense of self-importance or an excessive pride in one’s abilities or achievements. It can also denote a fanciful or elaborate metaphor used in literature.
Defined as the state of no longer existing or being in use, “extinct” refers to the disappearance or annihilation of a species or a custom, leaving only remnants of its existence.
Originating from an Italian banker named Lorenzo Tonti, a “tontine” is a financial arrangement where a group of individuals contribute to a common fund, with the last survivor receiving the entire sum. It combines elements of investment and longevity.


The term “innocent” characterizes a person or action that is free from guilt, blame, or wrongdoing. It signifies purity, naivety, or an absence of malice.
Nicotine is a chemical compound found in tobacco plants. It acts as a stimulant and is the primary addictive substance in cigarettes, contributing to the allure and addictive nature of smoking.
As a cardinal number, “nineteen” represents the quantity that follows eighteen and precedes twenty. It is associated with milestones such as turning nineteen years old or referring to specific events that occurred in the nineteenth century.
The term “nontoxic” describes something that is harmless or lacks the ability to cause harm or toxicity. It is often used in the context of substances that are safe for human or environmental exposure.
Derived from the Greek word “tectonics,” meaning “pertaining to building,” “tectonic” refers to processes related to the structure and movements of the Earth’s crust. It encompasses activities like plate tectonics, earthquakes, and mountain-building.

A “continent” is a large, continuous landmass on Earth. The world is divided into seven continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and South America. They are distinguished by their unique geographies, cultures, and ecosystems.
“Innocence” signifies a state of purity, simplicity, or lack of worldly experience. It is often associated with the innocence of childhood, where one is untouched by the complexities and hardships of adult life.
The term “intention” refers to an individual’s purpose, aim, or desired outcome behind an action or decision. It reflects the conscious motivation or objective that drives our thoughts and behaviors.

A “concoction” is a mixture or combination of various ingredients or elements. It often refers to the creation of a new recipe, a blend of flavors, or the concoction of ideas and theories.
“Connection” denotes the link, relationship, or association between two or more entities. It can refer to interpersonal relationships, technological connectivity, or the interdependence of various factors within a system.
“Contention” represents a state of disagreement, conflict, or rivalry. It refers to a disagreement or argument between individuals or groups, often arising from opposing viewpoints or conflicting interests.
“Continence” refers to the ability to control one’s bodily functions, particularly the bladder and bowels. It implies self-discipline and the capacity to restrain or manage these bodily functions consciously.
Extinction: (Pangram)
Similar to “extinct,” “extinction” signifies the complete eradication or disappearance of a species, a practice, or a concept. It implies the irreversible end of something, often leaving behind only traces in history.


The term “incontinent” describes a lack of control over bodily functions, primarily relating to the bladder or bowels. It implies the inability to restrain or manage these functions properly.


“Incontinence” refers to the condition or state of being incontinent. It signifies the inability to control or manage bodily functions, often associated with issues like urinary or fecal incontinence.

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