NYT Spelling Bee Answer & Solution for July 05th, 2023

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The New York Times Spelling Bee is a popular puzzle that tests your spelling skills. Every day, a new puzzle is released, and players have to spell all the words in the puzzle.

Today’s Pangram is NONBELIEF.

Here are the answers and solutions to the NYT Spelling Bee Official :

As Always also Today, we’ll delve into a fascinating assortment of words commonly encountered in spelling bee competitions. we’ll explore their meanings and provide examples to help you understand them better. So, put on your thinking cap as we dive into the world of spelling bee answers!


The word “Been” is the past participle of the verb “be.” It signifies an action or existence in the past. It is often used in conjunction with other verbs to convey a sense of completed action, as in “I have been to Paris.”

“Blin” is a term that refers to a thin, pancake-like food commonly found in Russian cuisine. These savory treats are typically made with wheat or buckwheat flour and can be enjoyed with various fillings or toppings.

When we think of the word “Bone,” our minds often associate it with the skeletal structure of animals or humans. However, it also has other meanings, such as being a verb that describes removing the bones from meat or the act of studying intensely for an exam (“boning up”).

The word “Boon” carries a positive connotation as it refers to something beneficial or advantageous. It can be used to describe a helpful favor, a timely blessing, or a much-needed advantage in a particular situation.

“Ebon” is an adjective that describes something as dark, black, or ebony in color or appearance. It is often used poetically or in literature to create a vivid visual effect.

“Fine” is a versatile word with multiple meanings. It can be used to describe something of high quality or exceptional beauty. Additionally, it can also indicate that someone has committed an offense and must pay a penalty, such as a fine for a traffic violation.

“Info” is a shortened form of the word “information.” In the digital age, it has become a popular slang term for sharing or requesting information, often used in casual conversations or online interactions.

“Lien” is a legal term that refers to a claim or right over someone’s property as security for a debt or obligation. It is a legal mechanism used to ensure that debts are repaid.

“Line” has various meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a straight or curved continuous mark, a boundary, a queue or row of people, or even a sentence of text. It is a word that offers versatility in both its literal and figurative usage.

“Lion” is a majestic and powerful animal that often symbolizes strength, courage, and leadership. It is known for its regal appearance and is considered the king of the animal kingdom.

“Loin” is a term used to describe the area of the body located on either side of the spine between the lower ribs and the pelvis. It is commonly associated with cuts of meat, particularly pork or beef.

“Lone” is an adjective that denotes being alone or solitary. It can refer to a person or object that is isolated or without companionship. The word often evokes a sense of solitude or independence.

“Loon” is a noun that refers to a type of bird found in North America, known for its haunting calls and distinctive appearance. It is often associated with wilderness and is a symbol of freedom.

“Nene” is a term that can have multiple meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a species of goose found in Hawaii, a given name in some cultures, or even a term used to describe a grandmother.

“Neon” is a chemical element known for its bright, vibrant colors when used in lighting or signage. It is often associated with the buzzing energy of cities and the allure of nightlife.

“Nine” is a cardinal number that comes after eight and before ten. It is a number that holds significance in various cultural, religious, and numerological contexts.

“Noel” is a word that is often associated with the Christmas season. It originates from the Latin word “natalis,” meaning “birth.” It is commonly used to express joy and celebration during the holiday season.

“None” refers to the absence or lack of something. It represents zero or no quantity. This word has its roots in Old English and has been used for centuries to indicate the complete absence of a specified thing or things.

Derived from the term “newbie,” “noob” is commonly used in online gaming communities to describe someone who is new or inexperienced. It can also be used to refer to someone lacking skill or knowledge in a particular field.

“Noon” simply refers to the middle of the day, specifically 12 o’clock in the afternoon. The word originated from the Latin word “nona,” which means the ninth hour after sunrise. It has been part of our vocabulary for centuries.


“Blini” is a Russian word that describes a type of traditional Russian pancake. These pancakes are typically made from wheat or buckwheat flour and are often served with sour cream, butter, or caviar. Blini are a popular dish during Russian festivities and celebrations.

“Elfin” relates to or resembles an elf, a mythical creature often associated with magic, nature, and mischief. It can also describe something delicate, charming, or ethereal in appearance. The word “elfin” captures the enchanting quality often attributed to elves in folklore.

A “felon” is an individual who has been convicted of a serious crime. The term is commonly used to describe someone who has committed a felony, which is a category of crime that is more severe than a misdemeanor. The word “felon” has its roots in Latin, meaning “wicked” or “evil.”

The term “innie” is slang for a belly button that is indented, as opposed to an “outie” which protrudes. While it may seem trivial, the distinction between innies and outies has sparked curiosity and discussion among many.

“Linen” refers to a fabric made from the fibers of the flax plant. It is known for its breathability, durability, and ability to keep cool in hot weather. Linen has been used for thousands of years and is often associated with luxury and comfort.

“Noble” signifies someone of high moral character, honor, or social status. It can also describe something grand, dignified, or impressive. The word “noble” originated from the Latin word “nobilis” and has been used throughout history to denote individuals of high birth or exceptional qualities.

An “onion” is a pungent bulb vegetable with many layers. It is commonly used in cooking to add flavor to various dishes. Onions come in different varieties, sizes, and colors, and are known for their versatility in culinary applications.


A “bobbin” is a small spool or cylinder around which thread or yarn is wound, typically used in sewing, weaving, or lace-making. Bobbins play a crucial role in producing neat and even stitches, making them an essential tool for textile crafts.

A “bonbon” is a sweet confectionery typically filled with various flavors, such as chocolate, fruit, or nougat. Bonbons are often enjoyed as a treat or given as gifts during festive occasions or celebrations.

The “bonobo” is a species of great ape closely related to chimpanzees. Bonobos are known for their social behavior, intelligence, and peaceful nature. They are primarily found in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo and are considered one of our closest living relatives.

“Feline” relates to or resembles a cat. This word is commonly used to describe anything associated with cats, including their physical attributes, behavior, or characteristics. “Feline” can also refer to the family of animals that includes domestic cats, lions, tigers, and other species.

Fennel, a herbaceous plant with feathery leaves and aromatic seeds, is not just a culinary delight. It also symbolizes strength, courage, and longevity. From ancient times, fennel has been used for its medicinal properties and is believed to have magical powers, warding off evil spirits.

Infill refers to the process of filling vacant spaces within urban areas with new construction. As cities expand, infill development plays a crucial role in maximizing land use efficiency and revitalizing underutilized areas. By repurposing land, infill projects contribute to sustainable growth and create vibrant communities.

Loonie is a colloquial term used in Canada to refer to the one-dollar coin, which features a loon, a bird native to the country. This nickname originated in the late 1980s when the coin was first introduced. The loonie has become an iconic symbol of Canadian currency.

A nibble is a small, gentle bite or a series of small bites. In the culinary world, it refers to sampling or tasting small portions of food. Nibbling is often associated with enjoying appetizers or indulging in bite-sized treats, adding a touch of delight to the dining experience.

Online has become an integral part of our everyday lives. It refers to the state of being connected to the internet or engaged in digital activities. Whether it’s shopping, socializing, or learning, the online realm offers endless possibilities, bringing convenience and connectivity to our fingertips.


To make a beeline means to move directly and swiftly towards a destination or goal, taking the most direct route possible. This expression derives from the behavior of bees, known for their ability to navigate straight and purposeful paths when returning to their hive.

A billion is a staggering number that represents one thousand million or 1,000,000,000. It is often used in the context of discussing vast quantities, such as population statistics, financial figures, or technological advancements. The concept of a billion underscores the magnitude of our ever-expanding world.

To ennoble is to elevate or dignify someone or something, often through recognition or honor. This term implies bestowing respect, esteem, or prestige upon an individual or an idea, highlighting their inherent value and worthiness.

Leonine describes characteristics reminiscent of a lion. It refers to qualities such as strength, courage, or regal bearing. The term finds its roots in Latin, where “leo” means lion. Used metaphorically, leonine evokes the majestic nature and power associated with the king of the jungle.

While online connectivity dominates our lives, disconnecting and embracing the offline world is equally essential. Offline refers to the state of being disconnected from the internet or disengaged from digital devices. It encourages us to seek balance, experience the present moment, and foster genuine connections outside of the virtual realm.


Enfeeble means to weaken or make someone or something feeble or frail. It implies a loss of strength, vitality, or effectiveness. Whether it refers to a physical condition or a metaphorical state, enfeeble serves as a reminder of the fragility and impermanence of life.

A lifeline is a metaphorical rope or means of support that provides assistance and guidance during challenging times. It symbolizes hope, rescue, or a source of strength when facing adversity. Whether it is a person, an organization, or a belief, a lifeline offers a sense of security and reassurance.


Nonbelief: (Pengram)
Nonbelief refers to the absence or rejection of belief, particularly in religious or philosophical contexts. It represents a stance of skepticism or disbelief, challenging traditional notions and prompting critical thinking. Nonbelief fosters an environment of intellectual exploration and encourages individuals to question established beliefs.

Nonillion is a number equal to one followed by 30 zeros (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). This mind-boggling figure represents an incredibly vast quantity and is often used in scientific or mathematical contexts involving astronomical measurements or theoretical calculations.

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